Ultrafast dynamics of single molecules and their quantum coherence imaging

Release date:2024-04-17

Single-molecule spectra, which can avoid the ensemble average effect, show outstanding kinetic behavior. To reveal the ultrafast dynamics of single molecules at the femtosecond level, the development of rapid detection and quantum coherence imaging based on single molecules can expand the application of single molecules in molecular biology, quantum optics, and super-resolution microscopic imaging. However, the decoherence time of a single molecule at room temperature is only in the order of 100fs, and the fluorescence intensity is only one trillionth of the ambient light intensity, which makes the rapid imaging and coherence detection of a single molecule extremely difficult. To this end, our laboratory has developed strong anti-noise and susceptible single-molecule detection methods by constructing ultrafast excitation and coherence detection systems, studied the ultrafast decoherence process of single molecules at room temperature, revealed the ultrafast energy transfer process between single molecules and low-dimensional materials, and realized quantum coherent imaging at the cell level. Our current research contents include (1) Spatial correlation ultrafast dynamics measurement and instrument development based on single molecule quantum coherence; (2) Multimodal fusion of temporal-spatial-frequency features for ultrafast quantum dynamics imaging; (3) Application of single molecule quantum coherence imaging in material characterization, precision measurement, medical imaging, etc.

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n References:

Accurate Visualization of Metabolic Aberrations in Cancer Cells by Temperature Mapping with Quantum Coherence Modulation Microscopy, ACS Nano, 17, 8433, 2023.

Coherent Interference Fringes of Two-Photon Photoluminescence in Individual Au Nanoparticles: The Critical Role of the Intermediate State, Physical Review Letters, 127, 073902, 2021.

Visualizing Quantum Coherence Based on Single-Molecule Coherent Modulation Microscopy, Nano Letters, 21, 1477-1483, 2021.

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