As the embodiment of light quantum, the photon is the smallest energy unit. The development of single photon ultra-sensitive photoelectric detection and imaging technology has important scientific significance and broad application value in weak light signal perception and detection, remote three-dimensional imaging and sensing, and imaging in extreme environments. Using the multidimensional information of photons (x, y, z, t, ...) and quantum statistical properties, combined with the latest technologies of computational imaging and deep learning, a variety of new single-photon imaging methods have emerged, realizing imaging functions that traditional techniques cannot achieve, and opening up new scientific research directions. Our research mainly includes (1) Single photon ranging and single photon imaging based on quantum compressed sensing; (2) Anti-noise single-photon correlation imaging based on super-bunched light source; (3) Single photon imaging and single photon perception in extreme environments.
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High frequency near-infrared up-conversion single-photon imaging based on the quantum compressed sensing, Optics Express, 31(5), 7564, 2023.
High-efficiency single-photon compressed sensing imaging based on the best choice scheme. Optics Express, 31 (5), 7589-7598, 2023.