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53. Haitao Zhou, Chengbing Qin*, Ruiyun Chen, Guofeng Zhang, Liantuan Xiao, Suotang Jia, “Electric field induced fluorescence hysteresis of single molecules in poly (methyl methacrylate)”, Applied Physics Letters, 105(15), 153301, 2014.
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52. Ruiyun Chen, Ruixiang Wu, Guofeng Zhang, Yan Gao, Liantuan Xiao*, Suotang Jia, “Electron Transfer-Based Single Molecule Fluorescence as a Probe for Nano-Environment Dynamics”, Sensors, 14(2), 2449-2467, 2014.
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51. Yan Liu, Bo Yu, Bo He, Guofeng Zhang, Liantuan Xiao*, Suotang Jia, “Single-photon modulation spectrum”, Chinese Physics B, 23(1), 010101, 2014.
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49. Ruixiang Wu, Ruiyun Chen, Yan Gao, Guofeng Zhang, Liantuan Xiao*, Suotang Jia, “Annealing Temperature Dependence of the Nanosized Pits on Poly(methyl methacrylate) Surface”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 52(12), 125501, 2013.
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45. 王晓波, 马维光, 王晶晶, 肖连团*, 贾锁堂, “单光子波长调制吸收光谱用于1.5 μm 激光器的波长锁定”, 物理学报, 61(10), 104205, 2012.
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44. Xiaobo Wang, Guofeng Zhang, Ruiyun Chen, Yan Gao, Liantuan Xiao*, Suotang Jia, “Detection efficiency enhancement of single-photon detector at 1.55-μm by using of single photons lock-in and optimal threshold”, Optics & Laser Technology, 44(6), 1773-1775, 2012.
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42. Ruiyun Chen*, Guofeng Zhang, Xiaobo Wang, Liantuan Xiao*, Suotang Jia, “Signal-to-Background Ratio Improvement for Single-Molecule Spectroscopy Using Tube Lens to Reduce the Effective Detection Region”, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 81(8), 084005, 2012.
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41. Ruiyun Chen*, Guofeng Zhang, Yan Gao, Liantuan Xiao*, Suotang Jia, “Single molecules probe the polarization dynamics of poly (methyl methacrylate) in external electric field”, Applied Physics Letters, 100(20), 203118, 2012.
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40. Ruiyun Chen, Yan Gao, Guo-Feng Zhang, Ruixiang Wu, Liantuan Xiao*, Suotang Jia, “Electric Field Induced Fluorescence Modulation of Single Molecules in PMMA Based on Electron Transfer”, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 13(9), 11130-11140, 2012.
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39. Guofeng Zhang, Liantuan Xiao*, Ruiyun Chen, Yan Gao, Xiaobo Wang, Suotang Jia, “Single-molecule interfacial electron transfer dynamics manipulated by an external electric current”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(30), 13815-13820, 2011.
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38. Xiaobo Wang, Jingjing Wang, Guofeng Zhang, Liantuan Xiao*, Suotang Jia, “Photon counts modulation in optical time domain reflectometry”, Chinese Physics B, 20(6), 064204, 2011.
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36. Jingjing Wang, Xiaobo Wang, Bo He, Liantuan Xiao*, Suotang Jia, “Phase-locked laser coherent interference”, Chinese Optics Letters, 9(9), 091404, 2011.
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34. Guofeng Zhang, Liantuan Xiao*, Fang Zhang, Xiaobo Wang, Suotang Jia, “Single molecules reorientation reveals the dynamics of polymer glasses surface”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12(10), 2308-2312, 2010.
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